What Is “Tech Fasting”? PM Modi’s advises children to not to be a slave of Gadgets


In his sixth annual interaction with students, teachers, and parents, Prime Minister Narendra Modi advised students to avoid addiction to online games and social media, which can result in distraction. He suggested that students practice “technology fasting” regularly and create a “technology-free zone” in their households. By doing so, children can come out of the “slavery of gadgets” and enhance their joy of life, he said.

The Prime Minister also emphasised that one should not avoid technology altogether but instead use it smartly, using only the things that are useful to them. He gave his own example, stating that he is rarely seen with a mobile phone, despite being very active. He urged students to keep a definite time for technology use and to restrict their usage to things that are not useful to them.

The Prime Minister also highlighted a study, which found that the average screen time for an Indian is up to six hours. He said that in such a situation, gadgets enslave us and urged people to be conscious of becoming slaves to their devices. He encouraged people to use technology as an instrument that helps in productivity and not as something that takes over their lives.

The Prime Minister also gave the example of the loss of capability for table recital among students. He said we need to improve our capabilities without losing our essential gifts and urged students to keep testing and learning in this era of artificial intelligence to preserve their creativity.

The Prime Minister’s interactive program with the school and college students, called “Pariksha Pe Charcha,” saw a record 38 lakh students registered this year, an increase of 15 lakhs from last year. The first edition of the program was held on February 16, 2018.

What is tech fasting?

Tech fasting refers to the practice of taking a break from using technology, such as smartphones, laptops, and other devices, for a certain period of time. The idea is to disconnect from the constant distractions and stimulation of technology, and to give the mind and body a chance to rest and recharge. This can include setting aside specific times of the day, week, or month to disconnect from technology, or committing to a day or longer period of time without using any technology at all. The goal of tech fasting is to reduce addiction to technology and the negative impact it can have on mental and physical health, and to enhance the joy of life.

Why is it necessary?

It is becoming necessary as our lives have become increasingly reliant on technology, and it’s hard to disconnect from it. Technology has become a constant distraction, and too much use or dependency on it can negatively affect our mental and physical health, resulting in insomnia, anxiety, depression, and poor posture. Also, excessive use of technology can lead to addiction and negatively impact our relationships and productivity. Tech fasting can help us to set boundaries around our technology use and to focus on other things that matter in life, such as spending time with loved ones, pursuing hobbies and interests, and taking care of our physical and mental health. It can also help us to be more present at the moment and more mindful of our surroundings.

Shivam Chaudhary
Shivam Chaudharyhttps://twitter.com/ishivamchaudhry
Shivam Chaudhary is a Tech & Auto Journalist. His area of expertise are Smartphones, consumer electronics, Electric Vehicles & SUVs.' Twitter: https://twitter.com/ishivamchaudhry


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