Indian men using ChatGPT to write love letters ahead of Valentine’s Day


A recent survey ahead of Valentine’s Day showed that 62% of Indians are willing to use the AI chatbot, ChatGPT, to write their love letters. This is the highest percentage of all countries surveyed and 73% are also using AI to enhance their dating profiles. According to a report by McAfee, a cyber-security company, ChatGPT has infiltrated many aspects of daily life and 78% of surveyed Indians could not distinguish between a love letter written by the AI chatbot and one written by a human.

A majority of 60% of Indians prefer machine-generated love notes over self-written ones. The reasons for this preference include the sender feeling more confident (59%), lack of time (32%), lack of inspiration (26%), ease and speed (14%), and the belief that their partners won’t find out. However, 57% of respondents stated they would be offended if they found out the note they received wasn’t a human effort.

With the rising popularity of AI and the ease of access to ChatGPT, the likelihood of receiving mechanically-generated information is increasing. 76% of Indians have admitted to being catfished and 89% have engaged in direct conversations with strangers on social media compared to 66% globally.

The report warns that those looking for love are often more vulnerable to scams and cyber criminals take advantage of this by engaging in long and sophisticated attempts to steal from their victims. It is important to stay vigilant and use security solutions to protect privacy and identity and to be alert for suspicious requests for money or personal information.


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